Monday, September 5, 2016

Happy to hear from any sincere person David Slesinger 410-499-5403
The most important evidence is  my experience as an altruistic activist for 42 years that I have never met a mean lying brown noser in an altrustic movement before I met Kelly. I have met MANY people like this in business, but not in altruistic  activism.

I am not asserting AE should not exist. I assert it will only treat volunteers with respect if all staff are fired. Kelly controls all of them, including Richard.  She is a true power tripper. 

The evidence of problematic behavior more recently is near the end, including my arguments against the existence of TAP.

Please maintain perspective. I need not PROVE anything to you, dear reader. This is an opportunity for you to explain to me why any given assertion should not imply I am wise to take public action.

  1.  1. She lied that she wasn't trying to take away my role of recruiting volunteers out of those who contact AE or sign the petition when a minute before she had INSISTED that very shy longtime office volunteer Eric Wilson play the role of being the person to respond to initial contact.  She revelled in controlling his activity. Power trippers stand out EASILY among real revolutionaries. When I was active against nuclear power there was a fellow who had a very macho demeanor, deep loud voice, etc. Because he was with a group who idealized collectivity, he tried VERY hard to be collective and NOT be a power tripper.

  1.  2. Kelly issued a list of only 8 names to the newly acknowledged  physics outreach team leader crushing the possibility of such a team ever  really getting off the ground. Wayne Coste had generated a list of over 300 civil engineers a year before, to show proportion. The shortness of the list didn't bother Richard AT ALL.  Maybe he was more focused on bedding a new sweetheart. 

  1.  3. Once three years ago, my friend Laura Nieboer had recruited 3 of her verifications team members to learn how to produce lists of petition signers sorted appropriately for various organizers, some by geography and some by profession, interest, or trade. Kelly refused to allow the webmaster to teach these people how to generate such lists. Her excuse was he was building a new website and that was a priority.  These 3 had a leg up on the task because Laura used to complain bitterly how difficult it was to work with Salsa. At the point this offer to assist with the lists was made, Laura’s team had largely surmounted the difficulty of learning Salsa. As noted above, Wayne Coste, who was on the AE board at the time, once, without training, produced a list of 343 civil engineers with corresponding data in 30 minutes.
Her reason for NOT ALLOWING the webteam leader to do this training was his need to finish the new website. When I asked how long this would take she said one month. Even Richard knew she was wrong, but didn't care.  It took 9 months to finish the new website.  Do remember this vignette when you see how EVERYONE says I should not be concerned with the lists. EVERYONE is wrong.

  1.  4. Kelly threw out or fired at least 3 people with web building skills. One was at odds with Kelly's favorite writer of Blueprint News articles. Instead of requesting mediation so they not lose a TALENTED websmaster, Kelly canned the VOLUNTEER WEBMASTER summarily. That writer regularly accuses anyone he differs with of acting in bad faith, including LONGTIME researchers like David Chandler who have contributed significantly. Richard used to participate in viewing the mediation, but he hasn't been willing to take that time in years. Maybe he is more concerned with punctuation and standardization of fonts. Webmasters are a dime a dozen....NOT!  
In addition,my webmaster for used to volunteer with AE and was thrown off the web team. He has informed me of an EXTREMELY simple method of increasing the readership of the AE website by a huge amount that the others on the web team would not even discuss with him. If you can get Richard to agree to mediation with me, I will release this concept at that time.

  1.  5. Kelly admitted to having the intention of shutting down the team leaders weekly conference call. 

  1.  6. Former verifications team leader Laura Nieboer, who I said publicly was the best team leader, even though her on and off again sweetheart (Gregg Roberts) was my main adversary within AE  (I succeeded in making friends with him) called me after resigning saying that Kelly liked her but she thinks Kelly doesn't like most people. I had said Laura   was the best team leader because she loved her team. A person reported to not like people is who Richard chose as his top staff person? He would better to have chosen Laura. 

7. Fundraising fraud charges:
 1)Talented telephone solicitor ( name withheld) was ordered to lie saying she was not being paid even though she expected she was to be. paid after she had agreed to do a fundraising pitch to petition signers. She did make dozens of calls and has notes. Many of these people she called were angry at AE for only caring about money.  The ridiculous hoops Kelly made her jump though have also been saved by me.

 2)The strongest case of fraud in fundraising is their pitch at the end of 2015 for $15 for any donor who wants their publication Beyond Misinformation sent to the donor’s local public library to be circulated. They didn’t even ask for which library. In addition, no library circulates self published paperbacks. They would just sell it as a remainder or dispose of it. In addition, Richard responded to this charge recently in the email you received by asserting they haven’t done it yet, when the pitch was made late last year! It should be easy enough to challenge AE to provide even ONE public library which circulates this volume. 

A few  years ago Wayne Coste tried to have a copy of ESO circulated at the public library in Northampton, Mass. after they refused to circulate ESO, He wrote a letter to the editor of the local paper accusing the library of being against science. He actually had investigated the procedure to propose an item to be circulated and followed that procedure. I have an attachment I still send out that he prepared explaining the whole process. ALL libraries have procedures. Any activist can find those procedures and follow them. That should be a task for those doing grassroots organizing.

3)  Do you think the sending of tens of thousands of copies to civil engineers UNSOLICITED was opened or read at a reasonable rate? I say it was a boondoggle to raise funds to pay staff and that less than 2% read the material.  i also bet that 99% of the AE email list is so gullible that this being a boondoggle comes as a surprise. An adversary could claim that this gullibility could extend to the science.

 Does it even bother you that they  use fraud in fundraising?
 Here are other possible  examples of fraud:Recently, they touted this years shorter mailing to 35,000 professionals where I can cite a video where staffer Ted Walter explains that the cost of this mailing is $1 per item. Since this overall fund drive is likely to largely pay salaries, I bet he is lying about the cost of printing and mailing. An audit by a trusted person should reveal the real costs.

I know enough about nonprofits that I know they are evaluated partly on the basis of what percentage of each dollar donated goes to program and what percentage goes to overhead and staff. They never ever announce such percentages and I’ll bet most petition signers are too ignorant of this realm to ask.

Another likely lie is Ted Walter’s statement on Andy Steele’s Freefall podcast where he interviews Ted and Tony Szamboti in order to tout the new AE Physics piece.  Ted asserts  that Bezant’s peer reviewed material is the only peer reviewed science that addresses what happens after collapse initiation. Many of us realize that is where NIST stops. When I looked up the 2013 survey paper Eastman and Jon Cole did I found that there were 25 papers that support progressive collapse.  Are all the 25 beside those by Bazant unworthy of mention?

Last year they raised $15,000 to fund legal costs of an appeal by a Prof Niels Harrit in the libel suit he brought against a Danish journalist. Since Harrit did much of the appeal prep himself and admitted to the rate of pay he had to give a Danish lawyer, I’d be shocked if it even really cost $5000. Prof Harrit in recent correspondence justified ANY percentage AE might keep, seemingly unaware of what constitutes integrity in nonprofits. He also assumes without examination I could not present  legitimate evidence against Kelly, hardly the proper objectivity of a scientist.

8.I was the first person at AE to speak to Kelly, as I was for most people who contacted AE.  She came on board around the time Tanya, the only office staff, was near burnout.  Tanya, who is young enough to be Richard's daughter, dated Richard for a good while, though he never would admit it. She once told me he lied to her.  Do you think “ Big Brother” does not listen to our conference calls enough to realize Tanya was near burnout? Kelly was thus around when it became clear Tanya needed to be replaced.   Richard once made a remark which shows he assumed she could not have known Tanya needed replacing.  She moved to the Bay area from NYC. Soon after moving she told me an anecdote where she met a fellow in a bar who wanted her to work somewhere else for bigger bucks. She told him  ostensibly  the money was less important than  the meaning of the AE job.  She never tried to sell me the Brooklyn Bridge, at least, or even the Golden Gate.

9.Kelly had a fellow move across the US from DC to live with her after spending no more than two weeks with him after meeting him in DC at the anniversary in 2013. He had always said he had been military intelligence but Richard thought he had been CIA.  I do have one good thing to say about this fellow, Jeff Long, but what concerns me is Richard never asked anyone in the DC group which DC truther knew Jeff the best. Richard never consulted with that longtime truther who best knew Jeff what he thought of Jeff. 

 Jeff took over the facebook team, never responding to any efforts I made to have him talk to people who wanted to volunteer for the facebook team, and welched on his agreements to Richard that I had requested that the facebook page be used to recruit volunteers for teams.

10. One time in the car with Richard I heard him criticize Kelly by phone for sending a $4000 check to a former lover of hers who had done computer work for AE.  This could be considered evidence she is not acting in bad faith but is just misguided since a real police agent would not risk being fired over money.

11.  She flirted with me in the beginning( from 3000 miles away), even though she looks younger than her 37 now years and I am 65,5'4”, 100 pounds overweight, and bald. She claimed she was attracted to intelligent men and my degree is from MIT. When I realized she was opposed to everything I stood for in the organization ie openness to volunteers, I realized she had been conning me.

12. Her degree is in criminal justice from NYIT. I assume no one received her resume OR investigated where people who still worked at the respective companies she claims to have worked at will verify she was there the years she claims to have worked there.

13. She proposed early on that all volunteers be required to divulge if they had a criminal record. When she proposed this, Richard noted that one volunteer who had contributed a lot to AE had done serious time in jail years before. Kelly then put this person down, despite his indisputable contributions, and despite the fact that both Richard and I KNEW this person MUCH MUCH better than she did.  If we both hadn't known this person VERY well, her criticisms MIGHT have made sense, but since we DID know him well, her criticisms seemed foolish. Again, this is more evidence of her being misguided rather than working in bad faith as far as the criticism of this prior volunteer, though the proposal of requesting criminal background checks is so detrimental to recruiting volunteers that THAT it is the suspicious part.

14 I told Richard after this discussion that such a proposal was MUCH worse than anything Gregg had ever proposed. Soon afterwards Richard proudly told me that Kelly was not in favor of requiring volunteers to divulge their criminal record, as if that was something I should appreciate her for.

  1.  15. Richard regularly says  Kelly runs AE and not to tell Kelly x or y or z as if she has something on him. This COULD just be a ploy by Richard to avoid taking responsibility for his decisions, but I think Richard is more honest than most people. Somebody Richard respects needs to have heart to heart with Richard about this.

  1.  16. Kelly treats two incredibly valuable truthers who have been hugely valuable for years with profound contempt. One desribes her role as” trying to throw a monkeywrench into anything he does.”

  1.  17. The other truther tried to offer copies of Steven Jones DVD Hypothesis  FOR FREE to be sold in the AE store and she refused. Prof Jones, who is very nice, appears to not be troubled by this report. It could mean he doesn't want to be petulant, but the real issue is the unprofessional treatment of a longtime dedicated truther. It is another example of the movement being oblivious to the needs to support volunteers. Researchers live in a different realm.  The wonderful Elizabeth Woodward's recent stated support for outreach to nonchoir is no better than a platitude. Researchers need to make it clear to most truthers to not see themselves as researchers after realizing the feds are lying. Maybe a call out to the whole movement to do outreach to NON CHOIR from all major researchers is what is needed

  1.  18. Full time staffer Andy Steele, who now lives in the AE office in Lafayette, Ca, who I gave up my $300 per month stipend 4 years ago for two months so he could pay that to a radio network to get his podcast FREEFALL off the gtround, now refuses to speak to me. Richard almost brought me back less than a year ago but the turning point was Andy's refusal to talk to me. The context is available at

  1.  19. I hold that the reason Andy hates me is because Kelly has become his lover to turn him against me. There is no reason Andy should refuse to talk to me. He needs not agree with me on any particular thing. The person I stay with when I go to my high school reunion has never agreed with me about anything since we were 13.  As regards Kell's love life, there is nothing wrong with a person having more than one sweetheart if it is not hidden from other weethearts. No need to tell anyone about such matters who is not a sweetheart. There is A LOT wrong with using seduction to achieve political goals in an altruistic movement. I once told Richard I thought Kelly had a “queen bee syndrome”, a term used in feminist circles to describe a woman adept at manipulating men but who has few good relationships with women. The truth movement is VASTLY proportioned toward men. A skilled woman would be a perfect plant.

20. I proposed to Richard by text that he propose to the AIA next time, not only that they support a real investigation, but they also propose an AIA vote that Richard be allowed to give workshops at the followup AIA convention. His response was the response of a professional politician. He pretended I was only asking if his staff was trying to get him a slot to speak rather than admitting such a proposal would carry the day MUCH more easily than the all or nothing current proposal. The only reason to ignore this suggestion is that Kelly hates me.

21.Kelly came to the 911 and deep state monthly conference call  and lied  about me being on an earlier AE board call years ago after I had declared myself an adversary when they NEVER would have allowed me on a board call if that was my status. I threatened AE AFTER Susan Watkins had committed suicide and she did not commit suicide until weeks  after I had been on that call. Not only that, I was only allowed to speak on the deep state call BEFORE Kelly spoke and not after, so I was never allowed to refute her lies, an absurdity.

22. Andy Steele was also on that call. He asccused me of saying AE had killed Susan Watkins, the founder of the legal team, and I never said that. I always say they were vicious to her soon before she commiutted suicide. Since he is a pawn of Kelly, I include this.

23  AE claimed it had 150 architects sign the AE petition at the AIA convention in Atlanta but their total AE signers never increased by 150 until a year later. This is Kelly's fault because she was the person in charge. The verifications team, which does such processing, had been left adrift when Laura Nieboer quit.

24.Kelly attempted to destroy the legal team before it got off the ground.  First, she went to the AE board after Richard had already authorized Susan to start a legal team. Richard certainly wasn't going to complain to the board about his own decision. Susan had worked as a legal secretary and was in her 50's. I had proposed at that meeting that Susan organize the team and we would seek a member of the bar to be team leader. Somebody, presumably Kelly, went to the board and got them to INTERVENE IN A VOLUNTEER MATTER. Does anyone reading this realize how RARE it is for a nonprofit BOARD to micromanage volunteers? Richard called Susan and told her not to have the meeting. Susan said she already had lawyers ready to attend. Richard agreed to let it proceeed, with the provision that if the team decided to take on a project OUTSIDE of AE purview, that they not asociate that with AE. Such a statement by Richard shows how  respectful he is of the legal profession. The conference call proceded in March of 2013 with me facilitating.  I introduced both Kelly and Mike Cook with lavish praise. Kelly said,” The AE board mandates that you NEVER contact anyone on the list you have again”. I asserted maybe the board will change its mind. She insisted,” No it won't.” as if she knows the future. I assume the way Kelly got the board to take such action is she left out the fact that Susan was just going to be organizer rather than team leader. Kelly must have claimed Susan would actually be team leader. Not only did NONE of the 4 original attending lawyers on the call ever come back or return any calls, but one attorney had the best credentials of ANY AE petition signer EVER. He had been counselor to 4 Democratic governors of Mississippi. Richard's response to my request that he call this fellow, Kevin Bennett, was,” I don't beg people to be volunteers.” He ignored the fact that HIS staffer. Kelly David had driven that volunteer away. Mike Cook also had a part in showing Susan her hopes would be dashed when he opposed any discussion outside AE purview. Susan hoped to find an attorney to help her with her concerns about ”chipping.” Mike now regularly accuses me of being a police agent. I am preparing a history of my  14 years of 911 truth activism to weigh against these charges. I am the person who put Tony Szamboti's 25 points of critique of NIST in the hands of Mike Cook's congressman.

25. One time early in her tenure, Kelly facilitated a meeting when Richard was gone. Bill Jacoby, even newer than Kelly, raised an idea I had raised and worked on, having a team to do outreach to college alumni organizations. Kelly not only did not support the idea, she forbid it, hardly a way an altruistic meeting should proceed. I have never been associated with an altruistic group where such heavy handed tactics were displayed. I had attended a dozen MIT alumni club meetings, one time putting an AE packet in the hands of the chairman of the board of MIT, another time in the hands of the MIT President. Another time I connected with the assistant to the dinner speaker, the CIO of the DHS. I eventually sent him a link to Richard's 40 minute c-span video.

 Allow me to discuss another way AE has been hurt by not organizing by college alumni.  In 2015 a The chemistry Nobel Prize was awarded to a professor at UNC Chapel Hill. He was born and raised in Turkey. He has been quoted as saying he resents the western invasion of the middle east. I tried to get my antinuclear power friends to help me connect with an epidemiologist professor at UNC Chapel Hill who is also antinuke. They refused. If we could generate a list of all UNC alums from AE, I’ll bet we could get SOMEONE to put Beyond Misinformation in that Nobel Laureate’s hands.

Here is how getting lists of petition signers associated with various colleges could help promote the new pieces this will take hours, but reaching out effectively to professors is worth it. Have an alum from each college prepare a list of professors for any relevant department. All colleges list emails  for their professors. Then they call the department OR the main college number asking for that professor. If they get a staff other than the professor, request voicemail. The message to be left need be concise to the effect,” I graduated from( college name) in ( year graduated). After I hang up I’m sending you an important article as an attachment that addresses one of the unusual situations where your profession is important historically. My email is xxx and the time and date I’m sending this is xxx.” Happy to answer questions at xxxxx. Thanks.
 If the callers degree is in a relevant major, leave that info, too. 

26. Kelly was asked by Les Jamieson( because I asked him) repeatedly to  send out invites by email to petition signers to attend the UNAC convention in May 2015 in Secaucus NJ. UNAC is the closest thing to a national antiwar oerganization. We have beat the bushes for AE attendees 4 times over the years. We have lost a vote to have AE911Truth be considered part of the coalition decisively the first time, by wide margins the second time,, and had the issue tabled the third time. In 2015 we would have won if she had sent the emails out, as Les said she did but she lied. I checked  a dozen people who should have gotten the email, but had not received such before I exposed her. Let her say she never told Les she sent them out and  let's hear Les's response.

27. Kelly notified people of an antiwar march in DC only a week before the march so my friend from DC who would have gone already had plans.

28. If I had not continued to push the issue first raised by Dr Ronald Cutburth at the second legal team meeting three years before, the idea of getting affadavits from all the technical experts who had appeared in ESO so these video testimonies could be used in court even AFTER that expert might have passed, the affadavits would never have been obtained. They were finally largely obtained by David Cole, with Richard's approval, after repeated roadblocks by Kelly.

29. The AE team rarely returned emails or calls . I used to personally return ALL calls even  when I had a full time job. I have 2 friends in NC and two in Iowa who report this problem. One is a civil engineer still waiting to be processed. This I lay at the feet of Kelly.

30. I have another friend in NC who was active with AE who was distressed at the hostility to volunteers. She wrote Richard a letter on this and he responded that he had forwarded it to Kelly David and Bill Jacoby.   Big surprise! Continued no response.

31 Kelly and the rest of the board are hostile to all the teams I formed. A detailed list of the progress of each team is available in my history of my activism. Many teams met for years. The team most needed now is the Congressional outreach team, the first team I formed. There was a reasonable concern diring the push for the release of the 28 pages to not necessarily be part of the push for that release. The reason is that finger pointing at the Saudi's or ANYONE SHOULD be outside AE's purview.  HOWEVER, NOW the issue that should be uppermost is the problem that the hijackers are IRRELEVANT to controlled demolition.  The congress NEEDS to hear about controlled demolition. With no Congressional outreach team, it won't. What reader denies that Congress ultimately stopped the Vietnam war?
  1. 32. Now Kelly is on the board, and do note that her picture on the AE website as being on the board is actually evidence that she at least was never known for doing undercover work before. Her position of the board is bad nonprofit procedure since if you have staff on the board, it's that much harder to dismiss them. Richard also did promise me in front of Bill Jacoby in Florida in February that he would reach out to an AE petition signer who makes her living advising nonprofits on how to work with volunteers.  Richard welched on that agreement. We all should note than AE has never sought advice on management of non profits except for lawyers and accountants. They are so arrogant about only respecting professionals but they act like there IS NO SUCH THING as a professional at running a nonprofit.
  1. 33. Continued Board level matters now reflect on Kelly  They have not the SLIGHTEST inention of building a movement to generate a real subpoena powered investigation because it can't be done without organizing the general public. No group but AE should do that.. They used to be thusly dedicated, but now they only talk about informnation dissemination. There is not the slightest chance that such a real investigation will occur without tripling or quadrupling our size as a movement. It may need to be ten or twenty times the current size. Part of the problem is not Kelly or AE. Truthers only talk to other truthers debating proverbially “how many angels can dance on a pin” arguments. I'm so ashamed to be a truther since most truthers are completely lost as to what needs to be done. Every state fair in the US should be leafletted EVERY year, not to mention county fairs. We are such losers. The folks in Oregon do their fair. Wonderful. What about the other 49 states? They can't do it with Kelly there. She'll subvert it as best she can like she did with UNAC. Richard responded to my charges by email that AE has no downloadable free leaflets to  print copies of. He notes their leaflets CAN be downloaded for free, but they hardly publicize this. More importantly, they have an excellent 4 leaflets to a page leaflet  that is  SIGNIFICANTLY LESS COSTLY TO DUPLICATE than what their current downloadable leaflets would cost. These leaflets ONLY tout ESO( 911: explosive evidence-Experts Speak Out) and STM( Solving the Mystery of WTC7, the 15 minute version of ESO)). These leaflets HAVE been translated into a few other languages, but the petition signers in other countries don’t know about them. These leaflets SHOULD BE TRANSLATED INTO 20 languages and petition signers should be REMINDED of their existence!!!!
  1. 34. The board is EXPLICIT that they LIKE the model of running AE as a business.  Board member Dan Barnum compared AE and its staff to the Red Cross. The Red Cross is the EPITOME of non controversy. AE is the EPITOME of controversy. AE should absolutely NOT be run as a business. They need balance their budget, but as much as possible needs to be done by volunteers. The Democrats and Republicans use LOTS of volunteers. They are GOOD at it. Both of them are GOOD at it. Mitch Axelrod, a sales trainer consultant petition signer Richard and I met in LA when we were trying to jump start college speaking, once said, “ You would be better off with 200 volunteers than your whole list of petition signers.” No way you can build a movement with Kelly driving the women away and seducing the men she wants to manipulate.

35 The board threw Wayne Coste off the board while he was the only engineer on the board. He says they did it because he was helping arrange to get me better access to the lists to help set up the teams I was setting up as team building team leader. The only way they would have known he was doing that is if Kelly told them. Since I and no one else has ever abused the list of petition signers, there would be no reason to prevent the formation of say a team to do outreach to chemical engineers.  At the time I was removed from AE I had people ready to set up the following teams: chemical engineers, civil engineers, demolitions experts, geologists, steel trades workers and concrete trades workers. Do you think those teams should exist? Richard and the rest of the board are worried they will say something wrong. If the team writes something to release, he can read it first.The current board LOVES being controlling. You can’t inspire a movement that way.

36. Kelly and the board have convvinced Bill Jacoby to convince Wayne Coste to support the existence of grassroots organizing through a separate organization called TAP, or Truth Action Project. The support for TAP proves that truthers are fools. They will not allow relevant lists of geographically organized petition signers built up over the ten years of AE911Truth’s  existence to be allowed to be released to longtime trusted  AE organizers ONLY because they redefined the organization.  Not one of you fools have SLIGHTEST amount of common sense.  Throwing out the value of a ten year old brand IS ABSURD. I used to make the following passionate decry when I would go to a meeting and find I was not going to be able to give out to organizers the lists I had been  promising to an organizer,” WE ALL DESERVE TO BE SLAUGHTERED IN OUR BEDS BY THE STATE!!!!!!!!”
  1.  35. The argument that there are legal reasons  to make the change to TAP is ABSURD. No petition signer would sue AE over being contacted to support something outside AE’s purview. No one ever has EVEN COMPLAINED. NO ONE HAS  EVEN ASSERTED AE’s list of petition signers had ever been abused. (The 9/11 and deep state monthly copnference call even VOTED 11 to 4 to prevent me from asking Richard on the July call whether there has ever been an abuse of the list).If a petition signer WAS upset about a call, they would contact AE, but they have not. Kelly's longtime opposition to giving out lists has reached its pinnacle! 
I contacted Graeme MacQueen right after they first announced the ban on lists to TAP. His reaction was VERY sad, because he’s not just a scholar, he’s been an actual activist for decades. His response originally was to the effect that maybe there are just less petition singers joining AE. THAT’S A REASON TO MAKE ORGANIZING HARDER? EVEN GRAEME MACQUEEN DEFENDS AE'S RIGHT TO MAKE IMPEDIMENTS TO VOLUNTEERS!!!!!!. He did agree I could write a letter to the journal arguing that phone calls are more effective recruiting tools than emails. It is so obvious to me that this is so that I am SICK to think it’s not as obvious as “freefall means controlled demolition”.  I called a economics the scholar Paul Zarembka to ask for his help, but he has disappeared. I actually  have made progress on this article on my own by looking into several dozen articles  under the topic Phone v Email and  it would probably take another 40 hours to complete.  The reference under the law enforcement outreach team in my personal 911 history adresses this. I have written no papers since college.  I write leaflets.

39. There is nothing wrong with giving out lists to trusted organizers known for years. They don’t even have to be sure that organizer agrees completely with AE’s narrow approach. They just have to make sure the organizer knows to make sure every person spoken to understands the difference between AE’s position and that person’s position. To keep longtime trusted organizers hands tied from reaching the best list of supporters because somebody might stray is ABSURD. If you want to cut loose people who HAVE strayed from the message, do that rather than play the losers game of avoiding risk. THIS IS NOT A BUSINESS!!!!!!!

One time a truther named Jim Bush, a retired salesman from Sacramento, complained that I had asked him if he could donate to help me buy insulin. He called AE to complain. I had not called him. HE HAD CALLED ME at least a half dozen times about his interest in AE having more of a big tent style( broader focus). He called me because he knows I care about all potential volunteers. I know more truthers than anyone. He doesn’t call me any more. He also is not active anymore.

40.Let me say a bit about poor production of lists under Kelly. Two local organizers had to wait nearly a year to get geographically selected lists. When one of those people received his list, it had zero names from the whole previous year. ( there is a column on the spreadsheet for date signed.)  I had earlier spoken to Niels Harrit about the lists he has been given of Danish AE petition signers to note they needed that important column of “ date signed”. I guess such trivialities are below him. Obviously, recent signers are more likely to still be motivated  and have accurate info. 

The other was given 4 separate lists each with all the names but with different corresponding columns.  I had been given 25 lists previously and never in this ridiculous fashion.

41. Part of the problem is that libertarian types see AE as belonging to Richard. I’ve even heard the excuse that it is Richard’s to do with as he pleases. I’ve even heard this from a progressive who has done twice as much civil disobedience as I have.  Does that include Richard's right to protect a functioning police agent as COO? If there will never be a subpoena powered investigation because AE holds anyone who is not an architect or donor in contempt, we all suffer. 

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